
ML Kit's on-device language identification API.

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Language Identification icons8-sign-language-48

With ML Kit's on-device language identification API, you can determine the language of a string 
of text.Language identification can be useful when working with user-provided text, which often 
doesn't come with any language information.

We can use machine learning in our applications with the help of Firebase ML Kit.

Step 1

Let's create a project named Language Identification in Android Studio.

Step 2

Add Firebase to your Android project.

Step 3

Add the dependencies for the design libraries to your module(app-level) Gradle file (app/build.gradle)

Step 4

Add button, edittext and textview for get input text and display result.

Step 5

Add the dependencies for the *ML Kit Android* libraries to your module(app-level) Gradle file. 

Step 6

Use button and check input is empty or isn't empty. 

Step 7

If input isn't empty, call shoLanguage() function. 

Step 8

Add shoLanguage(x: String) method and to identify the language of a string, get an instance of Firebase 
Language Identification, and then pass the string to the identify Language() method. 

Step 9



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